
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. To initiate the process, please send an e-mail to with the subject of "World Bank Consultants-send secure email." Servarus will then send you a secure e-mail in which you can respond with the information needed. The information needed includes SSN, first name and last name, address, city, state and zip, birth date and gender. Once Servarus sets you up in their system, they will e-mail you with the next steps on how to enroll in the Kaiser product of your choice on Benelink.
  2. Enrollment procedure: To assist with enrollment for our group, KP is working with two companies to manage the plan (Select "Contact" in the above tool bar for additional info). Servarus Systems, administers the on-line benefit administration system called "BeneLink" and "Hamilton Insurance" processes billing and payments. If you are interested in enrolling, Servarus Systems will need your personal information to populate their benefit administrative system. The required information is protected under the patient confidentiality rules of the U.S. HIPPA law. This information will be used to set up your personal home page in the benefit administrative system and is a pre-requisite to enroll.

    Once you have registered (above instructions) you will receive the secure email from Within the email are specific instructions with how to long on to the enrollment platform and your secure login name and password. Go to the connect.benelink site and follow the instructions for how to Enroll in your benefits.
  3. Coverage Period. Coverage will continue uninterrupted for the calendar year as long as the ST continues to make premium payments. Rates are in effect for the 2025 calendar year.

    No Social Security Number: Contact Servarus Systems at
  4. Payment: All payments will be made by an authorized automatic bank draft and will be drawn by Hamilton Insurance on the 1st business day of each month. If funds cannot be withdrawn due to insufficient funds, benefits will automatically be terminated. Please monitor bank accounts monthly to confirm withdrawals are made. Contact Hamilton Insurance if have questions regarding your payment
  5. ID cards: ID cards will be mailed and can also be downloaded from the provider’s websites. Coverage is in effect even if you have not received a card.
  6. Account Access: To locate a summary of the medical plan you selected at the time of enrollment, please log in to to access your personal account. Click on "Forms" under Product Resources. This information is also available from KP website.
  7. Adding Family: You may add new family members when you have a qualifying event such as having a baby, getting married, or losing other coverage, etc. Coverage for qualifying events can be requested by going onto From the home page, locate My Account, Request Family Status Change and upload the relevant documents. You may also send a request to with the new information and a service representative will update your records.
  8. Update Personal Information: Changes to your name and address can be made by sending a request to with your correct information. A service representative will update your records.
  9. Termination of Coverage: STs are required to remain on the plan for the calendar year unless there is a qualifying event such as a contractual separation from the WBG. If you have left the World Bank and you are no longer an ST member, or if would like to end your coverage, you must send a written notice to 30 days prior to when termination of coverage is requested and before the next payment is processed.
  10. Extended Coverage. Extended coverage at the same rate is available for an additional 18 months following contractual separation from the WB. Please email Aicha Naomi Cooper at the WB SA to make this request.
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